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Adjunct Professors

Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Abufaraj, MD

Division of Urology,
Department of Special Surgery,
Jordan University Hospital, Jordan

© Charles University/Hynek Glos

Prof. Marek Babjuk, MD, PhD

Department of Urology
2nd Faculty of Medicine
Charles University Prague

Prof. Piotr L. Chlosta, MD, PhD, Dsci, FpEBU, FRCS (Glasg.)

Prof. Olivier Cussenot

Scientific director of the Center of Research on Prostatic and Urologic diseases, ( Paris France
Honorary member at the «Institut Universitaire de France»
Honorary professor at Sorbonne University , Paris, France.
Visiting professor Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, UK

© Nancy Horowitz Maria De Santis

Section Head
Interdisciplinary Uro-Oncology
Clinic for Urology
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Prof. Dmitry Enikeev, PhD

© MedizinFotoKöln/Michael.Wodak

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c Axel Heidenreich

Clinic Director and Head of the Prostate Cancer Centre
Urology, uro-oncology, special urological and robot-assisted surgery
Uniklinik Köln

© Dr. Liatsikos

Dr. Evangelos N. Liatsikos MD, PhD

Professor of Urology and
Chairman of Urology Department
University of Patras, Greece 
Chairman of European School of Urology (ESU)

Prof. Péter Nyirády, MD, PhD, DSc, FEBU

©  Palapattu

Prof. Ganesh S. Palapattu, MD, FACS

Assoc. Prof. Jeremy Yuen-Chun, Teoh, MD

Department of Surgery
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Deputy General Secretary of the Asian Andrology Association

Honorary member

© MedUni Wien/feelimage

Univ.Prof. Dr. Michael Marberger

Emeritus Director of the University Department of Urology